Excellent Source of Fibre
Good Source of Protein
Australian Durum Wheat Semolina

Product Information

Nutrition Info
Servings Per Pack: 5 / Serving Size: 100g
Average QTY per serving* Average QTY per 100g*
– kj 1480kJ 1480kJ
Protein 15.0g 15.0g
Fat, total 3.7g 3.7g
– trans <0.1g <0.1g
– saturated 0.8g 0.8g
– polyunsaturated 1.2g 1.2g
– monounsaturated 0.8g 0.8g
Carbohydrates 58.1g 58.1g
– sugars 2.7g 2.7g
Dietary Fibre 13.0g 13.0g
Sodium 50mg 50mg
*Above figures relate to dry uncooked couscous.
Cooking Instructions
1. Pour 1/2 cup (100g) of San Remo CousCous in a bowl.
2. Pour 2/3 cup (150mL) of boiling water into the bowl, stir, cover and allow to stand for 6 minutes.
3. Remove the cover and fluff with a fork to separate the grains.
4. Stir through butter or extra virgin olive oil to taste.
Durum Wheat Semolina.
Allergen Information
Contains: Wheat, Gluten
Free From: Dairy, Added Sugar, Nuts, Artificial Flavours, Artificial Colours, MSG, Artificial Preservatives, Additives, Lactose
May Contain: Egg, Soy
When precise nutrition information is important, please read the label on the product you purchase.

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