

  1. It is best to cook the boar ragu the day before you want to eat it, and then just reheat starting at step 4. This recipe can easily be doubled as it is perfect for freezing after step 3 is complete and makes a tasty quick week night meal.  
  2. Place a large oven safe saucepan over a medium heat. Add the oil and once hot add the boar and cook until the outside starts to brown.
  3. Add the onion, carrots and celery with a pinch of salt. Cook until the vegetables begin to soften then add the bay leaves, thyme and garlic. Cook for another minute then add the tomato paste and cook out for a few minutes. Deglaze the pan with the red wine and follow that with the crushed tomatoes. At this point season with salt and pepper, and add ½ - 1 cup of water if the mixture is looking dry.
  4. Cover the saucepan with a lid or foil and put into a 140°C oven for 2½ - 3 hours or until you can shred the boar with a fork. Once cooked allow to cool, then remove the bay leaves and thyme stalks.
  5. Cook the pasta according to packet directions.
  6. Heat the cooked ragu, pulling the meat apart with a fork; add extra water if the sauce is too thick. Add the olives, lower the heat and keep warm until ready to serve.
  7. Mix the cooked, drained pasta with ragu and top with a grating of lemon zest.